Jamestown - vertaling naar frans
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Jamestown - vertaling naar frans

Jamestown (disambiguation); James Town; Yamestowne; Yames Towne; Jamestown, South Africa; Jamestown, Scotland

Jamestown, first successful English settlement in North America (established in Virginia in 1607); name of a number of cities in the U.S.


jimson weed
(also jimpson weed)
¦ noun North American term for thorn apple.
C17 (orig. as Jamestown weed): named after Jamestown in Virginia.



Jamestown often refers to:

  • Jamestown, Virginia, the first permanent English settlement in the Americas

Jamestown may also refer to

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Jamestown
1. Jamestown was established.
The Making of America by England's Merchant _ John Butman _ Talks at Google
2. became known as Jamestown.
The Making of America by England's Merchant _ John Butman _ Talks at Google
3. Confederacy and the Jamestown colonists,
(Re)Making History - The Bigger Story _ Kevin Gover _ Talks at Google
4. We have Captain John Smith at Jamestown.
Journey to the Sun _ Gregory Orfalea _ Talks at Google
5. the first ship lands at Jamestown,
A Colony in a Nation _ Chris Hayes _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Jamestown
1. Le débarquement sous les ordres du capitaine Newport, la fondation de Jamestown et un premier round d‘observation installent un ton plus réaliste sans qu‘il y ait contradiction stylistique.
2. Il faut se souvenir que les deux premi';res colonies dans ce qui allait devenir les Etats–Unis ont été Jamestown, en Virginie, et Boston, en Nouvelle–Angleterre.